magnetic days trainer

Magnetic Days Trainer


Each workout is a test, and each test is a workout.

You’ve probably never heard of the brand MagneticDays, but they are about to make an impact on the smart trainer world. They are a seven-year-old Italian company making some high-end indoor training devices, including the Jarvis Smart Trainer, the J-Bike Indoor Training Bike, and the J-Hand Bike Trainer. What MD has to offer though is more than just a new trainer, but also a new approach to training using some new metrics.

The Jarvis trainer has a modern and minimalist look to it. It blends steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber to create a dual flywheel design with a simple-looking base. The flywheels and resistance are run by a belt drive, which has a clear plastic cover over the tensioners, allowing you to see how it works. The battery and electronics have carbon fiber covers, adding a little bling to the unit.

magnetic days jarvis





For the steel base and frame, two arms unfold towards the front of the unit and extend forward to the side for stability. There is also a built-in handle for portability. Something that you don’t normally see is the availability of colors. The standard Jarvis unit is Black with red flywheels and accents. Blue, black, and gold flywheels and accents are also available.

Electronics wise, the Jarvis trainer can communicate through Bluetooth LE, ANT+, ANT+ FE-C and WiFi. It also has a built-in battery, allowing you up to 4 hours of training without needing to be connected to a power source. This is a feature that I would love to see on more smart trainers allowing the unit to be used for warm-ups and other training sessions where power is not always available.

Magnetic Days takes a little different approach to indoor training. Through their High Tech Training (HTT) methodology, they look at more than just power. By measuring and creating training plans based on power (watts), force (newtons), cadence (RPM’s), heart rate (BPM) and time, they create customized training plans based on individual users.

When you buy one of their trainers, it is just the start of the process. From there, you schedule a brief discussion with a Magnetic Days Coach to share your goals. Next, the user performs a baseline effort to help set parameters for the HTT training plan. Magnetic Days provides 6 workouts from there, with the 6th being another test to see how you have progressed. They provide 6 more workouts afterward that have been recalibrated based on your improvements.

Jarvis is more than just a structured training tool. It can also be used with Zwift and other virtual training apps. Through their MD WiFi app, you can also virtually ride a .fit or .gpx file that can be updated through your account on their website.


Training with Torque – Newton is Torque

Watts, RPM, and BPM are the common numbers used on most common indoor home trainers to increase performance.

magnetic days jarvis home trainer system malaysia

But what about Torque?

The torque (simplified) is the pressure in Newton on the pedals. The power is the product of the pressure by the rpm.
The inverse formula, the torque (NM) is the ratio between watt and rpm. This simplified physics is the basic principle of the difference between indoor and outdoor.

Outdoor, you can’t use the torque because the watts have variability in every stroke.
Indoor you can use the torque because the watts are constant, the Magnetic Days Jarvis guarantees it.
During the workouts (every workout) your body uses the muscular and cardiovascular system to generate power.
Both systems are modulated by the cadence.
If you have low cadence (50 rpm) the power is generated 80% from the muscles and 20% by the cardiovascular system at high cadence (110 rpm) the power is generated 80% from the cardiovascular system and 20% by the muscles
90 rpm is the good equilibrium to use both systems 50 and 50.

For example, at 250 watts and 90 rpm you have 26.5 Nm, if you reduce the rpm the watts and nm are reduced consequently.
With the Magnetic Days Jarvis, you can maintain the same Nm (pressure on the pedal) independently of the watts and cadence.

What is the utility of this dissertation?
We can work with the watts to increase the cardiovascular system and work with newton to increase the muscular system.

Focus on the muscles of the lower limb, using the newton you have the same pressure on the pedal independently of the cadence, using the watt the pressure change.
More simple: using the newton, you can use the muscles without high power.
During the workout, the alternation of the watts and newton could be trained in all the physiologic parts.

Training with Magnetic Days is yet another level of focused training other trainers can’t deliver. Magnet Days Jarvis is also the most precise and quiet trainer on the market – 2-3 hours of focused training written for you by a coach will throw you infinite levels ahead of just cruising in a virtual #Zwift world cycling around cities or waterfalls. ?